San Francisco City Leaders Vote To Cut Water To Residents Because they "Hate Trump"

From the Sacramento Bee:

In an 11-0 vote, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors agreed to cut water to its 884,000 residents.

“The state’s plan would require us to release 100 million gallons of water per day during dry years,” the PUC’s general manager Harlan Kelly Jr. told the committee.

The vote splits the city from the Trump administration and instead moves its support to a state plan that its utilities commission warns could lead to severe drinking water shortages for its nearly 884,000 residents. …

The state board is set to vote Nov. 7 on the plan, which would require that the “unimpaired flows” of the lower San Joaquin river and its tributaries increase substantially. That would reduce the amount of water available to farms and cities, including San Francisco, by 14 percent in a typical year and twice as much in a dry year. …

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