Senate Minority Leader Jones’s Op-ed: “Newsom attacks democracy in California, but wants to take that national”

When Californians tried to rein in Newsom's soft-on-crime policies, he tried to sabotage them.

“… That’s our reality in California, where our Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has spent the last few months trying and – thankfully – failing to subvert the will of the people, usurp direct democracy for personal political gain, and protect public policies that have led our state to lawlessness and degeneration. 

“... That attempt received strong public backlash and objection from legislative Republicans and Democrats alike. It is very unusual in this day and age when both Republicans and Democrats land on the same policy agreement. … 

“Newsom tried, and failed, to obstruct the voters’ ability to take control of their own destiny and enact real and much-needed public safety reforms. And it is, but it’s also chillingly disturbing. 

The simple fact he tried these ethically bankrupt, undemocratic tricks against the people he represents in the first place is hair-raising. … 

“… The cause for terror is twofold – at least. First off, he’s demonstrated his willingness to do whatever it takes to get his way, everyday citizens be damned. …

“Second, but no less dread-inducing, he’s no longer content doing this only to Californians. No, he wants to do it to Floridians, Texans, New Yorkers, Ohioans ... to all Americans. Newsom is after all, at this very moment, out vying for support for a presidential run despite his masquerading as a mere surrogate for a president unwilling – or unable – to appear publicly on his own behalf. …”

Click here to read Leader Jones’s entire op-ed as recently published in FOX News.