SACRAMENTO – Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) recently delivered two letters to Governor Newsom requesting he make fundamental adjustments to the existing Blueprint for a Safer Economy and provide imperative data relating to mental health statistics, the achievement gap, domestic violence, and child abuse since the governor’s shutdown order in March. These requests are urgent as today the governor announced a regional shutdown for non-essential industries.
Click here to read the Blueprint for a Safer Economy letter and click here to read the Statewide Data letter request on consequences of COVID-19.
“Governor Newsom continues to disrupt life as we know it without releasing the full data behind his decisions or showing the impact his actions are having on our lives. With all the changing guidelines over the last 9 months, evidence-based decision-making has to become the standard and not this hodgepodge approach advanced by the governor. Californians have a right to public health data that is being used to shape their lives, and the governor owes the state leadership that is committed to transparency and accountability.
"And to be clear, it’s not just about the numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations he runs through in his almost-daily press conferences, but the data and facts about the toll his shutdown orders are taking on Californians’ mental health, on our children’s education, including the achievement gap, on domestic violence and child abuse rates. The response cannot be worse than the disease itself and we have to ensure the state's actions are based on a holistic approach that protects our mental, social, and emotional well-being along with our physical health,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield).