SACRAMENTO – Today, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) released the following statement regarding the announcement of a Special Budget Subcommittee that will provide oversight on COVID-19 spending. Last month, Senate Republican Leader Grove and members of the California Senate Republican Caucus voted in support of Senate Bill 89. This legislation has committed $500 million initially and up to $1 billion in total to support the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
As of date, the governor has spent more than $850 million dollars from SB 89 including a recent announcement for purchase of two hundred million N95 and surgical masks per month for two months at a price tag of $495 million so far. Senate Republicans have been tracking the spending costs. Click here to learn more.
Republican members serving on the Senate Special Budget Subcommittee on COVID-19 Response include: Vice Chair of the Budget and Fiscal Committee, Senator Jim Nielsen (Tehama), Senator Brian Dahle (Bieber) and Senator John M.W. Moorlach (Costa Mesa) who also serve on the Budget Fiscal & Review Committee.
“We must ensure the state is doing everything possible to support the health and safety of Californians and our incredible frontline workers. Senate Republicans remain committed to ensuring we are legislating responsibly and providing necessary transparency and accountability for California taxpayers. In addition to mitigating the immediate effects of this current crisis, we are also focused on ensuring long-term economic stability for job creators and workers alike,” said Senate Republican Leader Grove.
“The coronavirus economic crisis is upon us. Millions of Californians face economic ruin. Schools, cities and counties face unprecedented fiscal pressures. Tax increases would only make matters worse for everybody. The California Legislature must spend every tax dollar wisely and needs to cease making this the worst state for individuals and companies to do business in,” said Senator Moorlach.
The first hearing for this oversight committee is scheduled for April 16th at 2:00PM in Room 4203. The subcommittee will review the state’s COVID-19 spending which includes authorized spending under SB 89. The Department of Finance and Legislative Analyst’s Office also will participate in the hearing.