Senate Republicans call for Veto of Anti-Democratic “Card Check” Bill

California Senate Republicans call on Governor Newsom to veto  Assembly Bill 2183 swiftly. The bill would violate farm workers’ right to a secret vote and open the door for union leaders to intimidate them during union elections. Contrary to legislative Democrats’ rhetoric, this measure is an ANTI-WORKER bill because it makes workers more susceptible to intimidation, coercion and threats of retaliation.
In 2021, Governor Newsom vetoed a similar bill, Assembly Bill 616, citing “various inconsistencies and procedural issues related to the collection and review of ballot cards.”
Below is a passage from the Senate Republican Caucus' veto letter on AB 2183: 
... “This measure violates a right to vote in secret, a fundamental tenet of democracy. Under this process, union organizers can approach farmworkers in person and ask them to sign a card representing their vote for the union. Because these representatives will know how the workers voted, the workers would be more susceptible to intimidation, coercion, and threats of retaliation.” ... 
Click here to download the caucus' letter urging the governor to veto AB 2183.