Making California Golden Again

Working to make California a great place for people to create their own, unique success story.

Building New Career Paths for Today’s Economy
Our state’s economic recovery unfortunately has left many Californians behind, searching for work or a new career. We want to empower California’s workers with the right skills and opportunities to find and keep quality jobs.

Back to Basics: Great Roads and Reliable Water
In past decades Californians could take high-quality roads and plentiful water for granted, but government neglect has left these fundamentals in deep distress. Republicans are committed to building and restoring roads and water systems so that Californians can once again rely on these community essentials.

Keeping Our Communities Safe
Concerns about the safety of our neighborhoods and businesses are on all our minds. Republicans support smarter policies to make sure that our local law enforcement officers, courts, and jails have the tools and resources needed to fulfill their mission of protecting our communities.

Lifting Families Up: A Helping Hand for Working Californians
It’s no secret that living in California costs more than in other states, in part due to government rules. Republicans want to offer a helping hand to make it easier for working families to pay the bills and put food on the table.

Keeping Our Promise to Those with the Greatest Needs
California made a promise long ago to care for people with the greatest needs, including people with developmental disabilities, but recent state decisions are jeopardizing that commitment. California already has the resources to make good on its promise, and Republicans believe we should do exactly that with no further delay.

Respecting the Voters Through Responsible Government
Californians showed that they expect state government to act in a responsible manner when they voted to improve the state’s “rainy day” savings account and to keep tax increases temporary. Republicans will hold government accountable to the people by paying down state debts, fighting for transparency instead of dark-of-night deals, and making sure that those temporary taxes truly end as promised.