In Case You Missed It: Sacramento Bee Editorial: “There's no good excuse for DMV lines this long"

SACRAMENTO – In an editorial published in today’s Sacramento Bee, the editorial board states that the California Department of Motor Vehicles already has received $16.6 million dollars from the Legislature this June and giving the state agency more money isn’t a smart move unless “it will make a real difference.” Instead, the editorial board agrees with state Republican lawmakers in calling for an audit of the DMV and highlights Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) ‘Plus 90’ legislation that would provide a short-term solution for motorists.


It’s not by accident that DMV has long been a symbol of sloth-like bureaucracy. And that notoriety is only getting worse with the unacceptably long lines this summer at its offices.  The biggest immediate cause is a flood of Californians seeking new federal IDs, required instead of current driver’s licenses to get on planes starting in October 2020. But the Real ID Act passed in 2005, so DMV officials knew this potential gridlock was headed their way. Why weren’t they better prepared? ….  Republicans in the Legislature are right to demand a comprehensive audit to get to the bottom of what has gone wrong, and to make sure DMV is taking the right steps to fix it. … And more money won’t solve the problem of misleading customers, intentionally or not. … So people are showing up without appointments, making the lines even longer. Sen. Patricia Bates, R-Laguna Niguel, plans to introduce a bill to give a 90-day extension to renew licenses expiring this year and to register out-of-state vehicles. …

Click here to read the full editorial as published in The Sacramento Bee.