Veteran journalists are sounding off about Newsom’s latest assault on voters

Media outlets and political commentators are weighing in on the last-ditch effort from Governor Newsom and legislative Democrat leaders to stop a crime-fighting citizen’s initiative, the Homelessness, Drug Addiction & Theft Reduction Act, which qualified for the November ballot after receiving over 900,000 signatures. Introduced late Sunday night, Senate Bill 1381 would place a competing proposition before the voters in November that would nullify the public safety reforms proposed by the people’s initiative. 

“Here is a governor who has been jet-setting around the country attacking Republicans and our supposed ‘lack of democracy,’” said Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego). “Yet, Gavin Newsom is the one attacking our citizens’ democracy. His hypocrisy couldn’t be more obvious. Ultimately, Newsom and Democrat leadership aim to confuse and manipulate voters with competing ballot initiatives. California citizens are smarter than their political games. Thank you to the media for highlighting their actions that put politics over public safety.”

Here is what they are saying:

From Emily Hoeven, columnist for San Francisco Chronicle:

“Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders really, really don’t want California voters to approve a November ballot measure to roll back parts of Proposition 47, the controversial 2014 initiative that reduced some theft and drug crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. In fact, they’re so desperate to prevent the measure from succeeding that they’re willing to subvert and twist the very process they claim to revere more than anything else — democracy — to achieve their aims.” – July 1, 2024 Newsom wants California to be a bastion of democracy. Except where Prop 47 is concerned

From the Associated Press:

The last-minute plan is an attempt by top California Democrats to override another initiative cracking down on shoplifters and drug dealers, which is backed by a broad coalition of businesses, law enforcement and local officials.” - July 1, 2024 Top California Democrats announce ballot measure targeting retail theft

From the Los Angeles Times:

“The initiative would amount to an abrupt political reversal for Newsom, who earlier this year said he opposed efforts to alter Proposition 47 through the ballot measure process and insisted that the necessary reforms could be handled legislatively.”- July 1, 2024 California lawmakers to consider rival ballot measure to compete with more conservative crime reform

From The Sacramento Bee:

“Now it seems Newsom and legislative leaders will turn the car around and add a last-minute ballot measure to compete with the one the district attorneys are pushing.”- July 1, 2024 California Democrats could make last-minute gamble on retail theft, Prop. 47 changes

From Politico:

“It also would nullify the prosecutors’ crime initiative if both measures pass and Newsom’s proposal receives more votes. That aspect could create political heartburn for some Democrats who’ve already endorsed the DA-backed measure.” - July 1, 2024 Let the vote-whipping begin

From Cal Matters:

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders had said that Prop. 47 didn’t need to be changed. They tried to persuade the Prop. 47 repeal proponents to withdraw their measure by proposing a package of retail theft bills — and later adding amendments to kill these bills if they are signed into law and if voters approved the repeal measure.” - June 30, 2024 California voters will decide an anti-crime measure in November. Democrats say this one is better 

From KCRA 3:

“Legislative leaders and the governor this year have repeatedly stated they did not think Proposition 47 needed change and neither has commented yet on the effort to put together the competing initiative” - June 30, 2024 Lawmakers to vote on adding another crime initiative to California ballot

From California Globe:

“Selfish Democrat legislative leaders are throwing a temper tantrum because all their efforts to stop the initiative repealing Prop. 47 have been stymied, mainly by their own members.” - June 30, 2024 California Democrats Scheming on Last Minute Alternative to Prop. 47 Reform Initiative

Capitol Correspondent Ashley Zavala with KCRA 3 Sacramento on X:

“Gov. Newsom’s power over CA Legislative Democrats- in the separate but equal branch of government- on full display. On July 3 eve, at 7:30-ish, they’ll vote on his last-minute, crime-related ballot initiative meant to compete with one he does not like.” - June 30, 2024 

San Francisco Chronicle columnist Emily Hoeven on X:

“Wow: To increase the chances of getting their competing Prop 47 reform measure on ballot, Newsom & lawmakers are calling a “special election” on same date as Nov election. This reduces the threshold needed to put measure on ballot from 2/3 to a majority…This is just the latest iteration of Democrats’ questionable maneuvers to keep the original Prop 47 reform measure off the ballot.” - July 1, 2024