Senate Republican Leader Grove Demands Transparency as Newsom Orders Regional Shutdowns December 3, 2020
San Francisco Chronicle: "Newsom attended French Laundry party with more households than California advises during pandemic" November 13, 2020
"We must combat climate change without forcing more Californians into poverty or out of state" October 30, 2020
Will Governor Gavin Newsom's Review Panel Delay Critical Vaccines for Californians and Add Layers of Bureaucracy? October 27, 2020
Senate Republican Leader Grove Praises Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Nation's Highest Court October 26, 2020
USA TODAY reports: "Asian Americans in San Francisco are dying at alarming rates from COVID-19: Racism is to blame" October 21, 2020
Senate Republican Leader Grove Responds to State Controller Cancellation of Secretary Padilla's Illegal Contract to 'Team Biden' October 6, 2020
ICYMI: FOX News: "California GOP lawmakers demand Newsom cancel $35M voter outreach contract awarded to Dem consulting firm" September 30, 2020