ICYMI: Los Angeles Times' George Skelton: "Forget the trip to El Salvador, Newsom needs to focus on California's problems" April 1, 2019
Senate Republican Leader Grove Issues Statement on Future Criminal Cases Seeking the Death Penalty March 22, 2019
In Case You Missed It: Los Angeles Times' George Skelton: "Gov. Gavin Newsom is developing a bad habit: ignoring the will of voters" March 21, 2019
New Rate Study Confirms Republicans' Calls for Increase Funding for Persons with Developmental Disabilities March 20, 2019
Senate Republican Leader Grove Issues Statement on Horrific New Zealand Mass Shootings March 15, 2019
ICYMI: Sacramento Bee - Marcos Breton: "Remember the victims. Death row is filled with killers, not martyrs" March 14, 2019
ICYMI: Los Angeles Times: "Harper will save tens of millions in taxes by signing with the Phillies instead of a California team." March 7, 2019
California Attorney General Fails to Meet Own APPS Program Deadlines, Yet Asks for More APPS Money March 1, 2019
Senate Republicans Request California Attorney General to Review "Sanctuary State" Law February 21, 2019